Low Price Guarantee Since 1928
For every product we sell, we'll beat any legitimate price from a local store stocking the same item. After your purchase, if you find a lower price within 30 days, we'll refund 110% of the difference!
Low Price Guarantee Since 1928
For every product we sell, we'll beat any legitimate price from a local store stocking the same item. After your purchase, if you find a lower price within 30 days, we'll refund 110% of the difference! We even compete with the internet. See store for details. (Must be under the same terms and conditions along with written verifiable proof). The Item must be the exact same brand, model and materials along with same services.
Delivery must be under the exact same terms and conditions (delivery via common carrier, in a box, dropped off at door step vs “BRF's White Glove Delivery”, which includes preparation, inspection and set up in the home). This guarantee excludes floor samples, clearance and “as is” items. See store for details.